Modern Woodmen of America, Chapter 10244, Wells, VT
The Modern Woodmen of America is a Life Insurance Company located in Rock Island, Illinois, with fraternal chapters across the United States.
MWA Chapter 10244 in Wells, Vermont, is continually active, with bingo as the main fundraiser for area charities. The chapter helps many local organizations and schools, houses the area food shelf, donates $500 to 15-plus area churches annually and just gave out more than $15,000 in scholarships to area students.
MWA is always looking for new members. Stop in and become a part of something great or contact the chapter president, Andrea Rathbun at 518-642-9283 or via email at kayakcrew@gmail.com for more information on membership.
For more information on MWA activities, call the hall at 802-645-0323 or email mwa10244@gmail.com.
MWA is also a Emergency Shelter facility in the event of long term power outages or other emergencies.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 648, Wells, VT 05774
Physical Address:
61 MWA Loop, Wells, VT 05774
Andrea Rathbun
Vice President
Heather Brownell
Karen Stomski
Tammy Holcomb
Hall Rental
Daniel Whitney Jr. 518-538-5261

Doors open at 4pm, Games start at 6:45pm
Doors open at 9:30am, Games start at 12pm
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