Driveway permits are required in the Town of Wells. Please contact the Town office for an application. 802-645-0486
Before you build, please be sure to know all state requirements and
know if you are in the flood plain.
Contact Laura regarding Inquiries about Shoreline Permits:
Phone: 802-490-6133
Request for Lake Encroachment Permit
A request for a lake encroachment permit has been received from Lake Saint Catherine Conservation Fund, Inc. (pursuant to provisions in accordance with 29 V.S.A. Chapter 11, Management of Lakes and Ponds) on July 18, 2016, requesting approval for aeriation located within the public waters of
Lake Saint Catherine in Wells, VT.
Copies of the application are available for review at the Vermont Lakes & Ponds Management and Protection Program office in Montpelier, or at the Agency of Natural Resources. If the link to view the application does not work after several days, please reply to the email below.
Public comments or requests for a public information meeting regarding this project must be received no later than August 17, 2016. Please mail or email your comments or meeting request to:
Laura Dlugolecki
Lake Encroachment & Shoreland Permitting
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05620-3522
Jasmine White
Environmental Technician III
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05620-3522
(802) 490-6195